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Our universe is built on God’s word and by faith, we understand the universe was formed at God’s word. Today, we embark on a joint-ideas, PLSU University to build a premier private-public (PPP) Christian University. The mission of The Prophetic Life State University is to provide accessible, affordable, innovative, high-quality learning opportunities and degree programs that meet the diverse needs of individuals pursuing integrity in their lives, professions, and communities. The Prophetic Life State University is to achieve student success by developing informed and creative students capable of contributing to a knowledge- and service-based global society. As a private university accredited to offer associate degrees, selected baccalaureate degrees, and certificate programs, the institution and its District Board of Trustees are committed to fostering a learning-centered university that celebrates diversity and inclusion by empowering and engaging students, faculty, and staff.


The Prophetic Life State University prepares learners to become global citizens, critical thinkers, effective communicators, and responsible leaders by providing an academically challenging, values-based curriculum from the context of our Christian heritage. The curriculum at PLSU is designed to prepare students with the skills and knowledge needed in the contemporary job market. Students are challenged to develop these tools and to push their intellectual limits in order to become successful in their careers.

In addition, the curriculum fosters personal discovery so that students realize within themselves the elements of compassion and accountability. A uniquely important element of the PLSU mission statement is the defining attribute of its Christian heritage. The PLSU community defines its culture by the way its members reflect a committed relationship with Christ and creates the PLSU experience in a manner that reflects His teachings to support students and graduates through a successful life journey.

These normative Christian values are integral to the development, maturity, and education of ethical and morally respectable citizens who continue the path of life-long learning. Each element or objective of the PLSU mission statement is uniquely addressed in the PLSU curriculum and by the PLSU culture which shapes a rich learning environment from which students graduate with professional and life skills. When learners graduate from PLSU, our expectation is that they will be global citizens, critical thinkers, effective communicators, and responsible leaders.