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The School of Women and their kingdom (Queendom). The case for women, successes, failures and struggles deserved a school of study. We have already concluded that if we know and understand the subject of woman, we will romanticize pain less and work towards an adoring glory more. The School of Women and their Kingdom (Queendom) addresses the entire generation of women. This school directly address women, women’s affairs, ancient and modern women, women and their governance. It is designed to address a governance that no other administration addresses like the creator of all women(mankind), Jesus Christ. It is Christ who the model, form, core from which we are all made and our conformity. He said. “the kingdom of God is like a certain woman who had ten coins and lost one. And when she had turned over all the furniture in her house and swept it clean, having found that lost coin, she sat down, called all her friends and had a party. For she had found her lost coin”. The School educate, equip and promote an understanding of balance in order of creation, the new man in Christ Jesus, the franchise of our republic and the entire body of work employed by God, nature and humanity to produce the virtuous woman.

The School of Women and their Kingdom addresses the successful woman, woman’s failure and the woman’s struggle which has been with us as long as the fall of man and is even more complicated than eight layers of error to a beautiful artwork that must be redeemed in order to arrive at the perfect picture. The woman’s struggle may vary from man’s personal struggle due to the dishonest system of disenfranchisement (class, gender, and race). Like any other agenda, if it is not dealt with in the light of God’s divine purpose, it will not produce the fruits of eternal righteousness.

The School of Women and their kingdom addresses gender equality with Christ and the glorious futures of women. It makes of mankind, women as the object of Christ’s affection and mercy. These verses contain a rich display of Christ’s intention with humanity and give a broad base evidence of His action to arrive at the results of manifest glory. The School of Women is display remove the contempt that the powers that be have for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience by teach the students to realize the God’s kindness with the intend to lead us to repentance. The School actually is design to promote and to make known the riches of his glory to women, the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory— Furthermore, it is to remove ignorance and arrogance from our students and our generation and to help to free us from that chains of transgression and expose the riches for the world, and that the full inclusion(man and his world and women and their kingdom) can amount to a much greater riches. Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!

Therefore, the work for the liberation of women, while she lives out of her God-given potential, was accomplished at Calvary. This work requires that every one of us, male and female, responds to Christ’s plan of salvation by having faith in His work, blood, and name. Any other attempt outside of this finished occupation will result in the creation of an occult platform for the work of Satan while inevitably attempting to crucify Christ again.

Liberating women is a unique struggle. It is inescapable and must be addressed continuously. It is unique because of the pain, suffering, loss of life, and the overall impact of violence on our world. It is inescapable because Jesus Christ in His earthly ministry continually addresses and deals with it. Jesus Christ addressed it openly in the Calvary Act. Jesus Christ, as the resurrected Lord also addressed it in the Pentecost Act. As our Apostle and High Priest, Jesus Christ, continues to intercede and address this social and spiritual injustice. There is, therefore, no way to play lip service to this issue before the Throne of God.

About six months ago, I was reading Rick Joiner’s book, The Final Quest. He wrote, ‘Even after this, perfect justice in the Church will not be attained overnight. There will still be struggles for women’s rights and a desire to set the Church free from other forms of racism and exploitation.